Tuesday 24 May 2011

TP para levantar nota - 9º y 1º

Si saliste mal en el trimestral, hacé esta ejercitación y entregala para que sumes puntos...


1 Write out these numbers and units.

1 90 rpm

2 417 mm

3 159 L

4 14 km

5 518 m

6 880 b/d

2 Write the numbers and units from 1 in the spaces.

1 The drill bit turns at a speed of …………………

2 The oil well produces …………………

3 The diameter of the well hole is …………………

4 The depth of the well hole is …………………

5 The length of the pipeline is …………………

6 An oil barrel contains about ………………… of oil.

3 Complete these pairs of instructions. Write the opposite of the underlined word(s) in the second sentence of each pair.

right / stop / lower / down / pick up

1 Please start the engine. OK, now please ………………… the engine again.

2 Pull the drill bit up. Now push it ………………… again.

3 Please raise the drill pipe. Now ………………… it into the well.

4 Turn the drill collar to the left. Now turn it to the …………………

5 Please put down that pipe. Now please ………………… this pipe.

4 Complete this conversation.

What’s / Pleased / I’m / do / What’s / name’s / I’m / work

A: Hello. My ………………… (1) Tom. I work on an oil rig in the desert. ………………… (2) your name?

B: ………………… (3) Ali. I ………………… (4) on an offshore oil platform.

A: ………………… (5) to meet you, Ali. What do you ………………… (6) on the oil rig?

B: I operate the drills. ………………… (7) your job?

A: ………………… (8) a crane operator.